Advot in Action

Our wonderful team continues to grow!

I wanted to dedicate this month to three new Visionary Trainers. (Actually, they’ve all been on staff since the spring). We are proud to be building a dynamic, diverse, and highly skilled team. 

Meet Allyson, Kaci, and Mara!

I asked them to answer these 4 questions:

  1. Share a one sentence bio.

  2. Why are you excited to be working with Advot?

  3. What is your greatest communication strength?

  4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Allyson Brown:

  1. New Orleans native, Allyson Lee Brown, is a passionate multi-hyphenate actor and educator who strives to share her skills with the world and help her scholars tap into their individual creative freedom and expression!

  2. I'm excited to continue my work with Advot because I believe fully in the work we do. It makes my heart smile to work with such a gifted and insightful team at Advot and to be able to impact our scholars in a positive way. We may not always see it right away, but there is a lasting effect on the scholars and communities we serve and it's always so amazing to see them grow and flourish!

  3. I am a very direct communicator. I like to make sure I'm communicating for clarity and leaving no room for confusion. I also prioritize making others feel heard (shoutout to intentional listening!!)

  4. Funny enough, I've always wanted to be an actor and a public speaker. There was a short stint where I wanted to be a vet, but I quickly learned that they didn't just get to work with puppies and other cute animals, so that was out of the question lol. But, as a child, I was always doing skits, writing, reading, making my family members and friends act with me, etc. I truly believe I was destined to do this work and I feel very blessed that a huge part of my purpose was revealed to me in my youth and that I am living out my dreams and purpose now!

Kaci Hamilton:

  1. Kaci Hamilton is a Jamaican writer, actor and voiceover artist who loves crème brûlée, traveling, and curling up with a good book. 

  2. I’m excited about contributing to a positive change in the lives of the youth we serve while imparting some of the invaluable life lessons I’ve learned and sharing my love of the arts.

  3. I take accountability. I’m the first to say, “You’re right, what I did/said was wrong.”

  4. I wanted to be an OB-GYN. I thought it would be nice to bring babies into the world. 

Mara Shuster-Lefkowitz:

  1. My name's Mara Shuster-Lefkowitz and I'm an actor and activist, who, as corny as it sounds, aspires to inspire.

  2. Advot has helped me continue to teach communication in spaces where often being your authentic self and coming at situations with different perspectives is looked down upon. Giving the youth we work with the ability to express themselves through arts education and theater has been really uplifting.

  3. I like to think I'm a great listener, and do my best to make sure that I'm really understanding how the scholars we work with are affected on a daily basis.

  4. An actor and professional footballer! And boom, done and done.

By: Annie Kee, Managing Director


Advot in Action


Advot in Action